What is Novel Treatment Therapy?
Novel treatments are medications used for the treatment of major depressive disorder. They have been shown to be highly effective in reducing symptoms of depression.
How are novel treatments administered?
Oral novel treatments are gradually titrated over the course of approximately 10, 60 minute sessions. The nurse will guide and monitor you through this process. After the novel treatment, you will be required to remain at the practice for an observation period, usually around 60 minutes. You will be advised when you are fit to leave.
Are there any side effects?
Side effects vary from person to person, and generally there are some mild, short-acting side effects such as euphoria, decreased coordination, and distorted perception. This is why you will be monitored by a trained health professional.
You will be required to undergo regular safety monitoring with your referring General Practitioner or Psychiatrist. Safety monitoring may include blood tests and urine tests.
The number of sessions required for titration is usually around 10. This will vary case by case.